CTOs have the greatest potential to drive sustainability

Key insights from Intel’s study of 2,020 business leaders.

Tech Poised to Grow on Sustainability Needs

In a study of 2,020 business leaders Intel discovered that a vast proportion of organisations are looking towards their CTOs to drive the sustainability agenda.

Their study showed that 84% of CEOs and CSOs expect CTOs to become the greatest drivers of sustainability, with almost 80% of senior IT leaders sharing a desire to become sustainability leaders.

The report highlighted that while technology has a crucial role to play in an organisation’s sustainable transformation, it remains one of the most challenging areas for most companies’ NetZero strategies.

“Technology has an even more critical role to play in building a sustainable future.”

Greg Lavender – Senior vice president, chief technology officer and general manager of the Software and Advanced Technology Group at Intel Corporation.

CTOs and Digital Carbon Footprints

Reducing the organisation’s carbon footprint was clear priority for a vast majority of the survey’s respondents:


of senior IT professionals believed reducing their digital carbon footprints was a high priority.

Beyond that, the respondents also cited several other important factors for doubling down on digital sustainability:


of senior IT leaders believe focusing on sustainability will drive innovation.


of respondents believe a focus on digital sustainability with help boost employee recruitment and retention.

The problem? Growth vs Knowledge

When it comes to creating and enacting digital sustainability strategies 72% of the survey respondents said a big hindrance was knowledge of green IT and digital carbon footprints.

This lack of knowledge coupled with the continued growth of digital solutions and digital transformation could end up with organisations sleep-walking into future digital carbon footprint challenges.

Simple to use technologies such as Digital Carbon Online will be crucial at helping organisations begin to understand the digital carbon footprints of their IT infrastructure, empowering them to adapt and adjust in a way that increases technological innovation while reducing environmental impact.

Increase Your Digital Carbon Knowledge

By reading this article you’ve already begun your journey to increase your understanding of the environmental impact of technologies – well done!

But don’t stop there.

Get a free digital carbon footprint report on your website today. It will surprise you.

Tips on reducing your website carbon footprint

Check out our collection of tips, tricks, and other resources on how you can tackle your website carbon footprint. Read more…
