For a more sustainable digital future.

Join the mission.

Digital Carbon Online is part of a bigger mission to avoid future regret and drive us all towards a more sustainable digital future.

Digital technologies, including the internet, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), social media, email and even our smart speakers have hidden yet substantial negative impacts on our world. The internet alone has a carbon footprint that rivals some of the biggest nations.

Our mission is to learn and share how to minimise these unintended negative consequences and to collectively avoid future regret.

It’s a big, bold mission! And you 🫵 can be part of it!

Enrol today.

Use the form to enrol for the More Sustainable Digital Futures email education series and …

  • Learn more about the hidden impacts of digital technologies on our planet.
  • Follow and celebrate the progress of our collective mission.
  • Discover what you can do to minimise your digital impacts.

Enrol today to learn more. When you’re done learning, just unsubscribe.

It’s FREE. There’s no cost to receive this email series.

If you want a more active role in the mission as a partner or supporter make sure you check the “Get more involved” option.

Enrol here now.
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